Who Is This Guide For?

image of family sittingon the floor

Each resident, working with public safety and health personnel, can benefit from this guide. It is intended to assist you in making emergency preparedness a part of your daily life. The events of September 11, 2001, the havoc wreaked by Hurricane

Katrina in late August 2005 and yearly California wildfires demonstrate the undeniable​ need for all Americans to be better prepared for emergencies and disasters of all kinds. Whether they result from terrorism, mechanical failures, operator error or the power of natural elements, emergencies typically arise with little or no warning. We all consequently need to be prepared in order to help avoid injuries, minimize disruptions, and to help others in need of assistance.

This guide is intended to serve as a single source of emergency preparedness information that families and individuals in Sacramento County may use to keep themselves ready for any kind of disaster. A wealth of valuable information is available from other numerous excellent sources; our objective was to pull together the best of the material relating to preparedness in a single publication, in the interest of convenience and usefulness. Are You Prepared? is intended to help you prepare for emergencies at home, school, work and in public places.

​We hope that you and your family will review the information contained in this guide, note the elements that are most important to you, and keep it nearby for handy reference.

Information to review in this guide​

The back of this guide contains space where you can write down important personal telephone numbers to call in case of an emergency or evacuation. You'll also find templates for wallet cards that you may print, cut apart and give to family members or relatives. The cards contain important local emergency telephone numbers as well as space for you to write your personal emergency numbers and contact information.

The guide includes instructions for preparing a first-aid kit, a “home disaster supplies kit," a “go kit" with supplies to be taken with you in case of an evacuation, and a summary of basic CPR and first-aid instructions.

The guide explains how to report emergencies; actions to take in case you are advised to take shelter in place or evacuate; what to do in case of a flood, earthquake or other natural disaster; how to respond to a threat of terrorism; and other important steps you can take to protect yourself and your family.

Throughout the guide you'll find telephone numbers and Internet addresses where you'll be able to obtain updates and more detailed information about developing emergencies and other conditions.

Download a printable PDF file of this guide​​.

The Sacramento Region Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) website at sfdcert.org is a comprehensive online resource for additional information.

Important local phone numbers

Emergency numbers

Police/Fire/Rescue............ 911

TTY (city of Sacramento).... 911

From cell phones

Within the city of Sacramento …………………………………………………………………… 916-732-0100

From elsewhere in Sacramento county ……………………………………………………… 916-874-5111​​

Additional Important Local Phone Numbers