Make sure all family members know what to do during an emergency.
- Teach children to stay in touch. Set a rule for them to check in with a parent or guardian immediately when they get home from school or other activities.
- Make sure that your children know all parents' or guardians' full names, and how to contact you at work.
- Teach children their phone number and home address, as well as nearby cross streets and landmarks.
- Work with neighbors to find places where children and teens can go for safety in an emergency. Such places might include a friend's house, a fire or police station, a library or place of worship. The best place for children during a crisis may be the school where they are supervised and protected from outside hazards. Make sure your children know the phone numbers and addresses for their safe havens.
- Talk to your child about how and when to call 911.
- Teach your children and teens how to be safe. Tell them to seek help immediately from a teacher, law enforcement officer or other security personnel if they overhear classmates threatening to hurt themselves or others.
The Law Enforcement Chaplaincy is a nonprofit agency operating throughout Sacramento County and surrounding areas. Chaplains offer post-traumatic incident counseling for victims, family members and witnesses. To contact the Chaplaincy Office, call 916-857-1801 24/7.