During A Storm

  • ​Avoid areas that are subject to sudden flooding.
  • Do not try to cross a flowing stream in which the water level is above your knees. Even water as shallow as 6 inches may cause you to lose your balance and be swept away by strong currents.
  • Do not drive over a flooded road, you may become stranded and trapped. If your car stalls in a flooded street, abandon it and seek higher ground. Many deaths have resulted from attempts to move stalled vehicles in the face of rising water.
  • Do not “sightsee” in flooded areas. Do not try to enter areas that have been blocked off by local authorities.
  • Avoid unnecessary trips. If you must travel during a storm, dress in warm, loose layers of clothing. Advise others of your destination.
  • Use the telephone only for emergency needs or to report dangerous conditions.
  • If flooding is likely, and time permits, move valuable household possessions to the upper floors of your home.
  • If advised by local authorities to leave your home, move to a safe area before access is cut off by flood water.
  • Before leaving, disconnect all electrical appliances, and if advised by your local utility, shut off electric circuits at the fuse panel and gas service at the meter.​